How do I care for a sheepskin or lambskin?

A sheepskin is self-cleaning, dirt-repellent and easy to maintain.

Do not wash a sheepskin too often!


General care of a sheepskin.

Regular brushing with a fur brush ensures that the hairs remain soft and nicely fluffy. We recommend that you air the sheepskin regularly. Leave it outside in the snow or fog for a few hours. Place the fur side down, it may get wet, but the leather underside should not get wet. In this way you refresh the sheepskin.

Washing a sheepskin.

You can wash the wool fur by hand, but that is a heavy job, or with the washing machine at a maximum of 30°C with special wool detergent for sheepskins, PH neutral, which is available from us. Spin the coat at less than 600 rpm.

Drying a lambskin

Never use a tumble dryer to dry a lambskin. Also, do not dry in direct sunlight or near an artificial heat source, stove or radiator.

It is best to dry the lambskin on, for example, a towel flat on the floor. While the fur is still wet, you can shape it and brush it several times with a fur brush.


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